Merciful 2
Merciful - Disc 2.iso
Text File
648 lines
____________/\ /\ ________________________/\__________________
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-+(*- PRESENT -*)+-
Carl Lewis Complete Docs.
Unknown Pleasures - (+44) (0)20429917
Sysop: Razor Blade
LOADING INSTRUCTIONS..............................4
THE GAME..........................................6
Selection Screen..................................7
Country Selection.................................9
Training Selection................................10
Training Methods..................................16
Saving Teams......................................18
Arcade Section....................................18
Structure of the Challenge........................18
Loading Saved Squads..............................20
Control Modes.....................................23
Screen Display....................................24
The Events........................................25
PC Version
Note: Should you wish to play The Carl Lewis Challenge with a mouse,
remember to load your mouse driver before loading the main program
(refer to your mouse documentation for details). However, the
keyboard may be used exclusively if no mouse driver is present.
Boot your computer as usual. At the DOS prompt insert Disk One of
The Carl Lewis Challenge into drive A. Type A: and hit return, then
type CARL, hit return and follow on-screen instructions.
PC Hard Disk Installation
Boot your computer as usual. At the DOS prompt insert Disk One of
The Carl Lewis Challenge into drive A.
Type A: and hit return, then type INSTALL, hit return and follow
on-screen instructions.
PC Loading Instructions from Hard Disk (after installation):
Boot your computer as usual. At the DOS prompt type CD CARL and hit
return, then type CARL and follow on-screen instructions.
Please Note: To run The Carl Lewis Challenge from your hard drive
requires the Key Disk (Disk 1) to be present in a floppy drive.
Amiga Version
Switch your computer on. Insert Kickstart disk if necessary. When
Workbench is requested insert disk 1 of The Carl Lewis Challenge.
Insert disk 2 when prompted.
Atari ST Version
Insert disk 1 of The Carl Lewis Challenge. Switch on the monitor/TV
then your computer.
Insert disk 2 when prompted.
The Carl Lewis Challenge allows you to manage a full squad of world
class athletes and follow them through international competition.
You may elect to control their training methods, their competition
perforrnance or both. Up to four people can play, each managing
their own squad of athletes. The events in which the squads compete
100M sprint
110M hurdles
High Jump
Long Jump
In the weeks leading up to competition, you must skillfully train
your athletes to bring them to peak performance, ready to compete
against the best in the world.
Following the introduction sequence, you will be asked which section
of the game you wish to play: The Training Section, the Arcade
Section or Full Simulation.
Please Note: PC Version - The cursor keys move the pointer, return
selects icons.
In the Training Section, you have five weeks in which to train your
squad and bring them to peak performance before selecting entrants
for each of the five events. In this mode the arcade section runs
automatically, the performance of each member of your squad solely
dependent on your earlier training decisions.
In this mode you are presented with a ready trained squad of
athletes, all of average skill. This functions as a pseudo practice
mode. Your athletes won't be world class standard, but they will be
good enough for you to progress some way into the game and gain
By controlling both sections of the game you have the opportunity to
create a squad of ultimate athletes and bring home gold medals.
Once this selection has been made the game automatically loads the
training section so that you may enhance your squad of athletes.
Click on the appropriate icon for the game type you wish to play.
Once you have chosen which type of game you wish to play, each
player selects a country to represent.
Click on the direction arrows below the flame bearer to cycle
through the flags. To select a country, rotate the flags until the
desired banner is highlighted at the bottom of the circle.
Click on NEXT TRAINER, if you wish another player to compete, or
DONE, if all players have identified their countries.
The selected countries' flags are displayed along the bottom of the
screen. Clicking on the CLEAR icon will restart the selection
If you have chosen to play Arcade only you will now proceed to the
competition, otherwise you will enter the Training section.
You have five weeks in which to bring your squad to their peak
performance before the competition.
You are presented with a clipboard showing your country's top ten
athletes. At this point you may use the keyboard to edit the
trainer's name, should you wish to do so.
Each athlete has four attributes ranging from O (poor) to 99
(excellent). These attributes are:
These are listed alongside the athlete's names in the above order.
Different events require different combinations of these attributes
to achieve peak performance. It is up to you to decide the relative
importance of each.
Click on each attribute icon to view a bar chart of your squad's
skills. Click again to return.
Click on the ATHLETE box to view the currently selected athlete's
attributes in bar graph form. You may edit the athlete's name using
the keyboard at this point. Also, Carl Lewis appears on-screen to
give useful hints. Click again to return.
Click on the SQUAD box to view the entire team's statistic profile
for all attributes. Click again to return.
On the right hand side of the clipboard ten training methods are
shown. Each is designed to improve certain attributes. Use your
skill and judgement to decide which training methods will enhance
your athletes' four attributes (see Training Methods). Each training
method may be adjusted in three different ways:
Frequency (F)
Intensity (I)
Time (T)
Frequency is how often an athlete repeats an exercise during the
Intensity is how hard the athlete works on an exercise.
Time is how long the athlete spends on an exercise in each session.
Select the athlete you wish to train, by clicking on their name.
Then, by dragging the mouse pointer in the bar, increase or decrease
the value of the variables for the current week. When you are
satisfied with the training agenda, click on another athlete to set
their training schedule.
When you have completed your training schedule for the week, click
on DONE to allow other players to set up their programme. When all
players have completed their schedules, the game proceeds to the
next week.
When the next week is displayed, you may notice that some of the
athletes' attributes have changed colour:
Red indicates a decline in an attribute. This usually denotes that
the week's training was either too extreme or too mild to benefit
the athlete.
Green indicates an improvement over the previous week.
Repeat the training schedule for all athletes for all players for
the full five weeks.
The clipboard changes to display the Selection Screen. Replacing the
training types are the five event names. Click on the corresponding
box to enter a particular athlete for an event.
You may enter the same athlete for more than one event. If an
athlete has very low attributes, it is likely that they will not be
able to compete as they may fail the team fitness test.
Use the bar graph displays to aid you in your choices.
When you have entered for all five events, click on the DONE box to
allow subsequent players to choose their entrants.
Note: if you click on DONE before entering all events, the computer
will make a random selection for you. This is not advisable!
Method Result
Isotonics Very tough weight training, the more you
work, the harder the exercise gets. Most
beneficial to: Power, Speed & Agility
Isometrics Resistance weight training: Push against
weights without actually lifting them.
Most beneficial to: Power
Acceleration From a standing start accelerate to top
speed as quickly as possible. Most
beneficial to: Power, Speed & Agility
Hollow Running A fast sprint followed by a recovery
period and a second fast sprint. Most
beneficial to: Stamina
Circuit Training Continuous muscle exercises for whole
body. Most beneficial to: Stamina Power &
Fartlek Running Informal (not overseen or timed) fast &
slow outdoor running. Most beneficial
to:Stamina & Speed
Static Stretching Tough stretching exercises. Most
beneficial to: Agility
Interval Training Formal fast & slow running. Most
beneficial to: Stamina
Repetition Running A fast run followed by a long recovery
then another fast run. Most beneficial
to: Stamina & Speed
Ballistic Stretches Rhythm & momentum stretches, use body
momentum to stretch muscles. Most
beneficial to: Agility
At the end of the training stage you are asked to insert a
previously formatted, write-enabled disk on which to save your team.
If you chose to play TRAINING only, you are taken through each
event, however, you may only watch your athletes compete. Press a
mouse button at the end of each stage to proceed. Your athletes will
all perform according to their statistics calculated in the
management section. You cannot influence them during the competition
- you must now sit in the grandstand and cross your fingers. The
Control Section therefore does not apply.
There are five EVENTS. Each is divided into a series of HEATS,
ending up in the finals where medals can be won. Each player must
achieve a QUALIF~CATION tirne or distance
in order to progress to the next stage of the game.
Each event is played one heat at a time before progressing to the
next event. If you fail to qualify, then that athlete is out of that
event for the rest of the game. You may, however, continue in the
other events. Qualification requirements are always tougher in later
heats. To ultimately win a medal, you must qualify for the finals,
then finish 3rd (bronze), 2nd (silver) or 1st (gold).
At the beginning of the competition you are asked if you wish to
load a squad previously saved in the Training Section.
Should you select to load a saved squad, insert a save-game disk and
your saved statistics are loaded.
If you have chosen to play ARCADE only, you are provided with a
series of standard (average) athletes with which to compete.
If you have chosen to play the FULL SIMULATION, your athletes will
compete based on a combination of your training skills and your
arcade ability during each event.
However, you must first select a control method. There are three
1) Speed Control
2) Rhythm Control
3) Gearing Control
These can be utilised via two input devices:
i) Joystick (Amiga/ST ) or i) Keyboard (PC)
ii) Mouse
MOUSE: Speed Control
Moving the mouse left and right provides athletes speed. The quicker
you move your mouse, the quicker your athlete moves.
The Left Mouse Button is the Action command, controlling your
athlete's throws and jumps.
MOUSE: Rhvthm and Gearing
The Right Mouse Button is the Movement button.
The Left Mouse Button is the Action command, controlling your
athlete's throws and jumps.
Amiga & ST
JOYSTICK: Speed Control
Moving the joystick left and right gives athletes speed. The faster
you waggle it, the faster your athlete moves.
The fire button on the joystick is the Action command, controlling
your athlete's throws and jumps.
JOYSTICK: Rhythm and Gearing
The Fire Button is the Movement command.
The up direction on the joystick is the Action command, controlling
your athlete's throws and jumps.
PC Only
Stabbing left and right cursor keys gives athletes speed.
The up cursor key is the Action command, controlling your athlete's
throws and jumps. The down cursor key is the Movement Command
KEYBOARD CONTROLS: Rhythm and Gearing
The left cursor key is the Movement command.
The up cursor key is the Action command, controlling your athlete's
throws and jumps. The down cursor key is the Movement Command
1) Speed Control. Your athlete's performance depends on how quickly
you are able to altemate between the left/right controls on your
selected input device. An indicator shows your speed .
2) Rhythm Control. Using your chosen input device, your athlete's
performance depends on your timing of button presses in relation to
an on-screen gauge. The gauge features an oscillating pendulum.
Press the Movement button when the pendulum reaches mid-point of the
gauge to achieve maximum boost. The boost is proportional to your
accuracy. Miss-timing may result in your athlete actually losing
3) Gearing Control. Using the marks below the scanner, you time the
Action button press to each of the marks. Failure to hit the marks
results in athletes losing speed, or not jumping or throwing at the
correct time.
Note: Once each player has selected a control method they remain
with it for the duration of the challenge.
The first event is announced. Click a button to proceed (you may
have to wait for the disk drive to finish). A list of entrants for
this heat is displayed. Human entrants compete one at a time,
beginning with Player One. The qualification time (or distance) for
this heat is displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the
screen. Click a button to begin this heat.
In track events, ensuing players compete against recordings of
previous human player's efforts.
The screen displays a view of the track, surrounded by an electronic
scoreboard which gives you all the information you require. The
trainer's name and nationality is shown at the bottom of the screen.
The bottom right hand corner displays qualification times or
distance. You must equal or beat this in order to qualify. There is
also a scanner showing positions of athletes and objects (hurdles,
finishing line, etc) in the event. Along the side of the track grow
the speed bars, showing you the result of your control expertise.
The top scoreboard displays results.
Performance in each event is a complex combination of athlete
attributes and player skill. Poor attributes will hinder even the
most adept arcade player while excellent attributes will aid a poor
arcade player.
1) 100M SPRINT
You are required to equal or beat the qualification time. There are
always four entrants, one of which is your athlete (highlighted).
When the starter begins the race, follow the procedure for the
control mode selected (see Control). It is not necessary to beat the
other athletes until the final - you must merely beat the clock. At
the end of the race, an Action Replay of the race is shown (press
and hold the Action command to skip this). Results and scores
follow. Scores are awarded for beating qualification requirements.
There is also a bonus if you achieve a world record!
If you fail to achieve the required qualification time, your
participation in this event is over, you will not be permitted to
continue in the other heats. Other players may still compete in this
If you achieve the required performance, you proceed to the next
This functions in a similar way to the sprint, with the exception
that clicking the Action button commands athletes to jump.
Watch the scanner to anticipate hurdles.
This event allows you three attempts to qualify per heat. If you do
not achieve the required distance in any of the three attempts, you
will be disqualified.
This event features a Run-Up, a Throw Commencement point, and an
Angle for the throw. You must control each of these.
RUN-UP: Use your selected method of control to
increase the run-up speed.
START THROW: Click the Action button to begin
your throw. The scanner provides a
rough guide to this point. Continue to
increase speed using the run-up method.
ANGLE: Once your athlete has completed the
throw sequence, an angle indicator
automatically start to rise. Click your
Action button when the desired angle
is reached.
The resulting throw is displayed.
Note that if your athlete releases the javelin after crossing the
throw line, the throw will be judged FOUL and not counted. To negate
this problem either start the sequence sooner, or slow your run-up
to give you time to correct yourself.
There is no Action Replay for the Javelin.
This event features Run-Up, Take-Off Angle and Leg Flip.
RUN-UP: Use your selected control method to
achieve optimum Run-Up speed.
TAKE-OFF: Press and hold your Action button to
begin take-off. The angle display
increases until your Action button is
released. Keep increasing your speed!
If you do not activate the angle gauge
your jump will be FOUL.
LEG FLIP: Click your Action button to flip your
athlete's legs up at the top of the jump
arc - this aids clearance.
You have three attempts to qualify.
There is no Action Replay for the High Jump.
This features a Run-Up and a Take-Off Angle.
RUN-UP: Use you selected control method to
achieve optimum run-up speed.
TAKE-OFF: Press and hold your Action button to
begin take-off. Release your Action
button when the desired angle is
You have three attempts to qualify.
There is no Action Replay for the Long Jump.
The initial athlete attributes in a squad are set semi-randomly (ie
between certain limits). Do not bother training all the athletes -
select those with the most promising start stats, for example:
Agility 50%+
Speed 50%+
Power 50%+
Stamina 40%+
By improving Speed and Power and leaving Agility and Stamina at
average levels, an athlete should perform well in all events.
Either create one all-purpose athlete or specialise for each event.
The best training methods to enhance Speed are Acceleration, Hollow
running and Repetition Running.
Set these to F-70%, I-35%, T-35%, leave all the other
stats at their default levels.
The best training methods to enhance Power are Isotonics and
Isometrics; F-60%, I-30%, T-30%. Leave all other stats at their
default levels.
To train one athlete for all events, do 3 weeks exclusive Speed
training followed by 2 weeks exclusive Power training.
A general purpose potential Gold Medalist should
have final week stats of:
Agility 60%+
Speed 85%+
Power 75%+
Stamina 55%+
Example training for 100m Athlete
Speed & Power are vital for this event
Week 1
Set Isotonics and Isometrics to:
F: 60%
I: 30%
T: 30%
Week 2
Repeat the exercises
Week 3
Set Isotonics and Isometrics to:
F: 40%
I: 20%
T: 20%
Set Acceleration, Hollow Running and Repetition Running to:
F: 60%
I: 30%
T: 30%
Repeat for weeks 3 to 5
Your athlete will not be the best but he will be above average.
Example training for Javelin Thrower and a good all-rounder
Week 1
Set Isotonics and Isometrics to:
F: 60%
I: 30%
T: 30%
Week 2
Set Acceleration, Hollow Rurming and Repetition Running to:
F: 40%
I: 20%
T: 20%
Set Static Stretches/Ballistic stretches
F: 30%
I: 20%
T: 20%
Repeat for weeks 3 to 5 to provide an average all-rounder.
Greets to : 2tuff, Pazza, Rygar, Munchie, Scooter, Loons, Deadbeat
and Ciars n everyone else.
Special Thanks to THG for supplying these docs to ALLiANCe.